BIARC Newsletter
May 2004


Welcome home Lori AH6OS. Glad to hear you had a good vacation on the mainland.
Our April general meeting was the greatest. After tending to business (see secretary’s report) Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK gave us an excellent program on his recent trip to the Falkland Islands and his very short stay on Easter Island. We now know why Ted is such a good teacher as his presentation held our interest and was very informative. Made us all want to hop on a plane and head on down to Easter Island and the Falklands. Ted had QSL cards made out for all of us who were fortunate enough to work him while he was there. Thanks so much Ted. We’re already looking forward to your next program in August (DXing on a Shoestring). In the future we would like to hear more about some of his other trips, especially to the British Isles and Midway.
Prior to our meeting Bob Schneider AH6J and Ralph Fontaine AH6RF had been talking on 2 meters to a man on the Princess Cruise which was docked in Hilo. Bob asked him if he’d be interested in attending our meeting and offered to pick him up. We were very happy to have Don Colvin KC4UUM of Sanford, Florida (Seminole County Amateur Radio Emergency Service) join us for the afternoon. Don happens to know a good friend of mine Bonnie WB4FSF who also lives in Sanford about a mile from him. Small world we live in. Thank you Bob for picking him up and returning him to the ship. That’s what I call real Aloha Spirit. We certainly enjoy having visitors and others who are interested in ham radio join us, not only at our meetings, but also at lunch on Fridays. This past Friday we had Sam KH7IE from Oahu and his young son Devon join us at lunch. His family comes over every year for Merrie Monarch week.

Our friend Jack Sanders KH6KT has completed his traveling in Africa and is now spending time in Hanover, Germany. His daughter Jennifer visited him recently and they spent two days in Amsterdam seeing the spring flowers. He is going to be taking German classes four days a week while there. He also hopes to be able to get on the radio during his stay there.

Hawaiian Hotel, and they agreed to let us meet there. Mahalo Sue.

Lloyd Cabral KH6LC has finally retired and has moved to the Big Island along with his lady friend Paula Pierson. They are now busy unpacking and getting ready to put up some towers. It won’t be long before we hear Lloyd on the air. Paula has very graciously agreed to act as chairperson of our Social Committee. The two of them will be a real asset to BIARC.

On Monday evenings at 7PM local time, the Aloha Chapter of 10-10 International has a net on 28.485mhz. We would like to have more Hawaiian hams checking in. On the weekend of February 7-8 there was a 10-10 International Contest. Our Ralph Fontaine, AH6RF was the number one ham in this contest with 1287 contacts (2176 Points). The second place winner had a total of 1200 points. Way to go Ralph!!!!!!! The Aloha Chapter had four other hams participating in the contest: Rick WH6LU had 788 points; Terry KH7FV had 514 points; Wilbur KH7E had 190 points; and Barbara NH7FY had 31 points. The Aloha Chapter was awarded first place with a total of 3699 points. Hope to hear you on 10 meters!!!!!
Barbara, NH7FY

May Meeting:

At the Keaau Community Center located behind the Fire Station on Old Volcano Road.
Ralph Fontaine will be discussing Internet Linking Radio Project otherwise known as IRLP.
Refreshments and social will follow the meeting and program.  Anyone interested in ham radio is welcome to attend.


May Birthdays:

Russ Roberts13th
Ann Miller 20th
Lori Miner  21st

    Chuck Cartwright31st

Articles for the Newsletter:

The BULLETIN is published Monthly.All articles for the bulletin must be submitted by the 20th of the preceding month, and if possible PLEASE send by e-mail to Lori Miner at

If you or someone you know would like to borrow either the Extra License Manual or “Now You’re Talking” Ham Radio books either call or talk to our President, Barbara Darling.

Coming Up . . .

Please mark these dates on your calendar:

June 25,26,27- Field Day Weekend

July 10- Taylor Smith of Helco- Topic Safety (tentative)

July 24- Volcano Rim Run

August 14- Ted Brattstrom- Topic DXing on a Shoestring

September 11- Dr. Christian Veillet, F5IDM - Astronomy Topic

October 9- Swap Meet in Waimea

November 13 - Pot Luck Get-together
December 11- Christmas Party

MAY 16th 2 - 5 p.m.

The Kona Amateur Radio Club (KARS) was planning an April meeting, but Van Malan, NH7IT, the president of KARS advised that it has been changed to May 16th. It will be held at the Old Kona Airport State Park from 2:00to 5:00 p.m.

There were around ten BIARC members who attended the last meeting and get-together and everyone had a great time. Hope that we can have as many attend this next meeting.

Membership Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2004
The meeting was Called To Order by President, Barbara Darling, NH7FY, at 2:00 p.m.
A sign-in sheet was circulated to all members and guests to record attendance. There were 31 members and guests in attendance. 
Self-introductions were made.The President asked if they had any exciting ham radio experiences during the past month.

A letter was received from Big Island International Marathon, Sharron Joseph, to the membership thanking them for their participation in the March 21 Hilo Marathon. They look forward to BIARC again providing emergency services for their Marathon in 2005. 

The presidentreminded the members that they are invited to attend the QRP Club’s 12th Annual Island Dxpedition on Moku Ola Island (Coconut Island) on Saturday, April 24. A potluck lunch will be served between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. 

The BIARC Bulletin will be on the Web beginning with the April issue. The Web Page Committee, Bill Carlson, KH7E, and Clifton Leonard, KH6XJ were thanked for the good job they are doing keeping the Web Page up to date. 

After the correction of a call sign, the minutes as printed in the Bulletin were approved as corrected.

Treasurer Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reported as of April 10, 2004, the Account Balance was $2,474.25. Some deposits still pending and $81.02 a Budgeted Item, due and payable to World Electric Corporation. Ron Phillips moved the membership approve $81.02 to be paid to World Electric Corporation, seconded by: Bill Carlson KH7E. John Buck, KH7T, noted that the Bylaws allow up to $200 for payment without membership approval. Ron stated that since this was a Budgeted Item he wanted to call attention of this payment to the membership. Motion carried..


Ron Phillips, AH6HN, announced that the Repeater Committee would be working on the Mauna Loa repeater on Tuesday, April 13, weather permitting. Bob Schneider, AH6J, reported that the Committee would install a 3 DB Gain vertical antenna, change out the platform boards and do level checks of the repeater.That repeater has been repaired and will be installed soon, replacing BIARC’s portable repeater. Ron Phillips, AH6HN, asked for assistance from members that are able to help work on the repeaters. The next priority will be to repair the repeater at Naalehu that the recent last windstorm attacked. The next meeting of the Repeater Committee will be held during the first week in May. The particulars of that meeting will be announced. If you are interested in taking care ofa repeater near you, please contact Ron, AH6HN, your help will be appreciated.

Emergency Coordinator Harry Nishiyama, KH6FKG, explained his plan on organizing and training the volunteers for Emergency service. A copy of his initial guide to form a Team within BIARC was given to each member who expressed interest in serving. A volunteer sheet was passed around. 


The President requested that members submit their ideas for Club improvements on the questionnaire included in the April Bulletin to help improve the club. Members can mail their responses or give them to a Board member. Nancy Parry, NH7RT, will tabulate the responses.

Education Chair: Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK, expressed an interest, but needs further details and guidance as to what the position entails before committing himself. John Buck, KH7T, offered to be available for mentoring Hams by calling 885-9718.

ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p. m. 

PROGRAM - Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK, who presented a slide show about his trip to the Falkland Islands and Easter Island. The presentation was excellent and it was extremely well narrated. All enjoyed the program.

Gloria Whiteley offered delicious refreshments with Easter decor- ations following the program.

Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy Parry, NH7RT

Richard Darling, AH7G, has been a ham for over 50 years and on January 25th he operated CW for the first time in 50 years at the Hilo ARC QRP 160M WWDX contest in Laupahoehoe Point Beach Park. Think he should frame that QSL card?

80th Birthday

Happy Birthday to Harry Nishiyama who celebrated his 80th birthday on April 17th.The arrival of Harry and Sue’s daughter and son-in-law from Seattle, Washington gave extra pleasure to this special event. 

Harry is a World War II veteran and has been involved in ham radio since 1964.He started DXing around 1970 after getting back from another two years of active duty in Viet Nam. 

Oh, and by the way, I heard that one of our hams was a race driver whipping around the course in his number 17 yellow Ford Coupe. Would you know anything about this Harry?


Following are the figures which were given to me for their DXCC list up to 18 Feb2004. Currently there are 335 countries (entities) on the ARRL DXCC list and to be on the DXCC HONOR ROLL #1 list, you must have worked and have their confirmation from all 335 countries.  BIARC boasts two such members and many others are moving up to reach this goal or HONOR ROLL which is 326



















BIARC DX 50 Award

So far the following were awarded the BIARC DX 50 Award.To qualify for this award, just have 50 QSL Cards from 50 different countries listed in the current ARRL DXCC Countries list and have it checked by Wilbur KH7E ormyself.









License to expire in 2004 (Names are from BIARC Roster, 15 Mar 04)

To renew, go to and follow the instructions or see RON AH6HN or myself for the appropriate form.










There now are five ham radio operators aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Expedition 9 ISS crew members Gennady Padalka, RN3DT, and Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, accompanied by European Space Agency astronaut André Kuipers, PI9ISS, arrived at the ISS right on schedule April 21 aboard a Russian Soyuz vehicle. They joined Expedition 8 crew members Mike Foale, KB5UAC, and Sasha Kaleri, U8MIR, whom Padalka and Fincke will relieve. Fincke told reporters April 23 that being aboard the ISS was "everything I've ever hoped for" and said he's "ready for the challenge" of living in space for the next six months. Both he and Foale also expressed confidence that the new crew can deal with this week's failure of a second control moment gyroscope (CMG) that leaves the ISS with the minimum two gyros. Fincke said he was prepared to do a space walk if necessary to repair the down units. "It's not a problem at all," he said. "We've trained in Houston . . . we've got spares on board . . . and we're ready to go when and if necessary." During their six-month tour of duty, Padalka, 45, will serve as Expedition 9 commander, while Fincke, 36, will be the NASA ISS science officer and flight engineer. The docking of the Soyuz spacecraft initiated a nine-day handover period now under way. During his visit aboard the space outpost, Kuipers will conduct a couple of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) <> school group contacts and carry out scientific experiments under a commercial agreement between the ESA and Russia. He'll return to Earth April 29 with Foale and Kaleri aboard the older Soyuz vehicle now attached to the ISS. The Expedition 8 crew has so far spent 186 days onboard the station. NASA says Foale and Kaleri will be exercising rigorously in the days before their return to condition themselves for the effects of Earth's gravity upon their return.

Reprinted courtesy of ARRL Letter

Rodrigues Island 

DXpedition tops 150,000 contacts

The recent Project Star Reach 3B9C DXpedition <http://www.> to Rodrigues Island (AF-017) shut down April 12 at approximately 0300 UTC.

The DXpedition was the recipient of an ARRL Colvin Award. 3B9C on-line logs <> remain available. The DXpedition was sponsored by the Five Star DXers Association (FSDXA), with assistance from many others. QSL direct to FSDXA, PO Box 73, Church Stretton SY6 6WF UK or via the RSGB QSL Bureau. Much more information plus a form to request bureau cards is available on the 3B9C Web page <>.--some information via The Daily DX <>

Reprinted courtesy of ARRL Letter


"AmExpo" to spotlight Amateur Radio at major airshow: Amateur Radio special event station N2M will be on the air May 1 and 2 in conjunction with the annual Millville Wheels & Wings Airshow in New Jersey. "AmExpo commemorates the advancement of radio communications conducted at this location during World War II," says Hugh McElroy, W2AVN, who's chairman of the board of directors for the Millville Army Air Field Museum. McElroy calls the special event "a celebration of radio and technology" during the airshow, which annually attracts upward of 150,000 visitors. Vintage and modern radio gear will be available, and multiple Amateur Radio clubs are providing operators. "We wish to invite all radio amateurs and radio enthusiasts to attend and enjoy this thrilling event," McElroy said. "Our goal is to foster Amateur Radio and to generate new radio amateurs." He says the N2M will be an all-band Field Day-style operation that will include VoIP modes such as EchoLink as well as satellite communication. For more information, visit the Millville Wheels & Wings Airshow Web site <http://www.p47millville. org/> and the AmExpo N2M Web page <> or e-mail McElroy "<>
Reprinted courtesy of ARRL Letter



Kenwood TS 440-S 100w Transceiver

Power Supply for TS 440-S

Alinco DJ 195 T/E 2 meter handheld

Contact Harvey Motomura - 959-7005


*=ARES Linked **=RACES Linked 
This is the status as of 1/22/04. It may change. 

145.29- HOVE - KAU (141.3Hz) WH6FC 
146.72- Mauna Kea (1st Tue noon) AH6J 
146.76- Kulani KH6EJ 
146.82- Mauna Loa (ARES) KH6EJ *
146.88- Pepeekeo KH6EJ 
146.92- Kau PD KH6EJ 
146.94- Haleakala Maui (ARES) WH6KO 
147.00+ Glenwood (141.3Hz) AH6GG 
147.02+ Haleakala Maui (RACES) KH6H **
147.04+ Mauna Loa (RACES) AH6JA **
147.10+ Waiakea HS AH6GO 
147.16+ Hualalai Kona KH6DEW*
147.32+ Waimea Hospital NH7HI *
147.38+ Waimea East KH7T 
443.20+ Hakalau (programmable) AH6RF
146.58s Hakalau (programmable) AH6RF


Membership Meetings -
2nd Saturday at the Keaau Community Center at 2:00 p.m. 

Board Meetings -
On Friday, one week prior to the membership meeting, at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel, at 1:30 p.m. 

Friday Lunches -Every Friday at the Queens Court Restaurant in the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel.  Meet in lobby between 11:00 - 11:15 a.m.  Or we will see you inside in the far left corner.