BIARC Newsletter
June 2004


As I type this message Richard, AH7G, and I are preparing to fly to Honolulu where he will undergo back surgery. By the time you receive this newsletter, we hopefully will be back on the Big Island and well on the way to recuperation. Your many prayers have been appreciated.

Our friend, Jack Sanders, KH6KT, is currently in Germany. He has completed his German classes, has been doing some sightseeing and we hear that he may be spending some time on the radio using DL/KH6KT. We have not heard him yet but will be listening.

Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK, is leaving the Big Island around June 10th and heading for Majuro where he will be teaching this summer at the College of the Marshall Islands. Hopefully, he will gather enough information and take plenty of pictures so that he will be able to present another DXpedition program for us. He is scheduled to do his program, “Dxpeditioning on a Shoestring,” in August . If you hear V73YK or V76YK on the air it will be Ted!

Our VE testers were kept extra busy in May as there were two testing days held at the Community College. There were 15 people testing for either new licenses or upgrading to higher levels. Of the 15, 13 passed their tests. Blake KH7MS upgraded to Extra Class.  Li went from no license to Extra Class in one day.  Josh NH7SW upgraded to General and has recently made his first CW contact. Way to go fellows!!!!!!!!! Elisa NH7SX is busy studying her code so that she can pass it on Field Day.  Now if we could just get all those other new non-member hams into the club it would be GREAT!!!!!!!!

Yes, Field Day is fast approaching. Our meeting on June 12th will be devoted to our final plans. Gloria Whiteley is already planning the food for the day and of course will appreciate any help she can get in the kitchen area. Pot Luck dinner will be at 6PM on June 26th. Ken Brown is looking for volunteers to assist with the radio work. Testing will be done at 10:30AM. Hope to see many of you there.

Since we were not able to confirm a program by Helco for July we have decided to have a Hawaiian program on July 10th. The very famous Pua Kea Halau Hula group from Hawaiian Paradise Park has agreed to perform a few numbers for us. Shirley Golden, NH7OH,  has also agreed to perform a couple numbers. Refreshments will also be Hawaiian. Remember, Hula is also a form of communication!

I received a phone call about ten days ago from Jamie, KH6KW, on Molakai requesting me to get on 20M. Ake, SM5UH, from Sweden asked him to “get Barbara, NH7FY, on the air,” for his first YL DXCC QSO from Hawaii. We had a very nice contact. Four days later I received a priority envelope with his QSL card and long letter. He is 86 years young and had never talked with a YL from Hawaii. Besides ham radio, he is a trombone player who plays in a group of the same age still playing music for others. It’s contacts like this that make ham radio so enjoyable for me. I especially want to thank Jamie, KH6KW, for relaying the information to me.

Please make sure you mark Field Day on your calendar. Hope to have an eyeball QSO with many of you there. Barbara NH7FY



10-10 International Winners

Pictured from left:  Rick Gardner, WH6LU;  Wilbur (Bill) Carlson, KH7E;  Barbara Darling, NH7FY;  Ralph Fontaine, AH6RF; and Terry Lonergan, KH7FV.

The 10-10 International Contest was held the weekend of February 7-8. Our own Ralph Fontaine, AH6RF was the number one ham in this contest with 1287 contacts (2176 Points). The second place winner had a total of 1200 points. The Aloha Chapter had four other hams participating in the contest: Rick WH6LU had 788 points; Terry KH7FV had 514 points;  Wilbur KH7E had 190 points; and Barbara NH7FY had 31 points. The Aloha Chapter was awarded first place with a total of 3699 points.             



JUNE 12th

2:00 p.m.

At the Kea’au Community Center located behind the Fire Station on Old Volcano Road.

After a short business meeting we will be finalizing Field Day plans.

Refreshments and social will follow the meeting and program. Anyone interested in ham radio is welcome to attend.

June Birthdays

Larry Iwami              6th

Ted Ross                   9th

Ken Cutting           11th

Rick Frazer             15th

Herb Vanderbeek   22nd


Happy Birthday to all !!




The East Hawaii Net meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8AM, local time, on 146.76 mhz-, Sign on and check us out !!



Membership Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 2p.m. by President Barbara Darling, NH7FY. Introductions were made and 29 people signed the roster.

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as printed in the newsletter. Bob Schneider, AH6J, volunteered to take minutes for this meeting as Nancy Parry, NH7RT, was absent. The Treasurer’s Report was given by the president as Ron Phillips, AH6HN, was off island. We have $2376.11 and 78 members. Both reports were approved subject to audit.

Repeaters Report: On May 1 the Board requested a Repeater Report. A synopsis follows:

146.68- Yaesu portable repeater- in service on Mauna Kea on 146.72. It has a receiver problem.

146.72- Repaired ICOM at HCC, ready to reinstall. The new antenna is also ready for install.

146.76- GE Master 2 in service on Kulani. We need to improve the UHF link.

146.82- GE Master 2 in service at Mauna Loa. Antenna replaced. Tower work done. It is working very good.

146.88- GE Master Pro in service at Pepeekeo. It needs work to get rid of an intermittent noise on transmit.

146.92- Hamtronics at Kau Police. It needs a new antenna and a serious service call, especially the UHF link.

BIARC UHF link at Parker Ranch is working good.


147.16+ KARS repeater on Hualalai destroyed by lightning. replaced by Insurance and ready to reinstall.

147.32+KARS at Waimea Hospital, in service and linked to Mauna Loa.

147.38+ KH7T repeater near Mudd Lane is sometimes linked to Mauna Loa

443.20+ AH6RF repeater in Hakalau is in service and linked to 146.58 simplex and IRLP

Awards:  Ralph Fontaine, AH6RF, gave out several 10-10 awards. He said the 10-10 International net meets at 7PM every Monday, frequency of 28485 KHz.

Program Planning:

Saturday June 12 meeting is Field Day planning.

Friday June 25 is pre-setup for Field Day. Saturday June 26 & Sunday June 27 is Field Day, however, we are usually done by Sunday at 8AM

Saturday July 10 is pending since HELCO didn’t respond on our proposal on safety. (We now have the Pua Kea Halau Hula group to perform, and other entertainment planned.)

Saturday July 31 is the Volcano Rim Run.

Saturday August 14 program is “DXing on a Shoestring’” by Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK.

Saturday September 11 is a presentation by Dr. Christian Viellet, KH6/F5IDM, on the Canada France Hawaii Observatory and we will have nominations for next year’s Officers.

Saturday October 9 is our Swap Meet in Waimea.

Saturday November 13 is a Pot Luck at Ralph Fontaines, AH6RF, and elections for 2005.

Saturday December 11 is our Christmas Party and Installation of Officers.

Web site:  Clifton Leonard, KH6XJ, and Wilbur (Bill) Carlson, KH7E, are doing most of the work. Part of last month’s newsletter is now on the web but as of the meeting, this month’s has not been uploaded.

Field Day:  Ken Brown, N6KB, gave a brief outline of the plans. Ken will handle CW, Clifton will supervise the phone operation and Ken Cutting, KH7ZJ, will take care of the generator acquisition. Of course Gloria Whiteley, Associate, will be in charge of food.

Old Business:

The questionnaires need to be returned to Nancy Parry, NH7RT, to compile the results..

Robert Oliver, NH6AH, gave the clubs antenna tuner to Wilbur Carlson, KH7E for custody. It is available to any member that needs it to work on antennas.

New Business:

Harry Nishiyama, KH6FKG, gave a briefing on Armed Forces Day which was the day of our meeting (5/8/04).

Harry Nishiyama said the emergency communications class will be 10AM at Hawaii Community College on June 12, 2004. (our regular meeting day.)

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m., with a program on IRLP by Ralph Fontaine, AH6RF, followed by a time of socializing and refreshments.

                                    Bob, AH6J



                                                            written May 18, 2004


The antenna bills, HB2773 & HB2774, are waiting for the governor’s signature. She has a ten day period within which to sign or veto them. If she signs them or ignores them they become law. The ten day period begins from the day that they are transmitted to her office. Since we do not know when they were transmitted, we can only guess that the cut off date is about May 21. We will inform you of developments.

The Makani Pahili 2004, hurricane exercise for amateur radio was conducted on May 11, 2004 from 1800W to 2030W on HF (7088 KHz) and VHF nets (State RACES Repeater System 147.02, 147.04, 147.06). Ron Hashiro, AH6RH State Civil Defense RACES Coordinator set the exercise in motion by issuing a "hurricane watch" via e-mail on May 10. On Tuesday, Robin Liu, AH6CP, Assistant State Civil Defense RACES Coordinator, handled HF traffic while Kevin Bogan, AH6QO, SM Pacific, handled the VHF traffic. ARRL formatted messages were passed on both HF and VHF nets. Harvey Motomura, AH6JA, DEC sent email via Winlink 2000 from the Big Island to SCD HQ. Connie McCurdy, NH7IE, conducted a joint O'ahu Civil Defense Agency (OCDA) RACES and Skywarn net on 146.88-MHz Diamond Head repeater with about twenty check-ins and many tactical messages passed for Skywarn. It was a good learning experience and highlights the need for more practice in message handling.

On May 27, 2004, the Emergency Amateur Radio Club (EARC) will have its general membership meeting at the National Weather Service (NWS) on the campus of the University of Hawai'i at Manoa which will include a tour of the NWS facilities and Skywarn training. It will start at 1900W. To register for a seat, please contact Tom Seale, KH6AAA, via e-mail. His address at is tomseale48.


Hurricane Season: June 1 is the start of hurricane season for the Pacific north of the equator. Please make sure you have food and water for three days survival and regularly check the weather reports. Some good links are: NWS Honolulu, Hawai'i; National Weather Service Forecast Office - Tiyan, Guam; Joint Typhoon Warning Center; - From the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Field Day 2004: Field Day 2004 will be held on June 26-27, 2004. Check your local area for details and please let me know of details in your area for updating the ARRL Pacific Section webpage and the next SM report. There is a lot of information at the ARRL website for Field Day contests/announcements/fd/ .

Nets: Since the National Traffic System is not as strong in the Pacific Section as it could be, I have asked to be informed of nets, scheduled contacts, or regular chats that exist in the Pacific. Thanks to many operators for sending in their information. Below is a listing of the nets. If you have an emergency and the only way to request help is by radio, please check in on any of these nets to pass your emergency traffic. Don't wait for an emergency, but try checking in and testing conditions. Also, get to know the great folks on these nets. Please let me know of corrections and of any more nets, skeds, chats, etc.
D=Daily, W=Hawai'i Standard Time zone, Frequency is in MHz.
1730Z/0730WD 21.355 Afrikaner Net Jimmy NX5B, NCS
1800Z/0800WD 14.273 Ohana Net KH6LJ Hawaiian Isles & W. Coast
1900Z/0900WD 7.290 Friendly Net KH6AQ Hawaiian Isles
1900Z/0900WSun 14.282 AmSat Net NCS: W5IU, W7LB
2200Z/1200WD 21.402 Pacific Maritime Net NCS: KK7PR (Splinter group at 21.412)
0200Z/1600WD 7.088 Hawai'i Afternoon Net
0300Z/1700WD 14.313 Pacific Seafarer's Net NCS: KK7PR Ralph Aloha, OR
0400ZSat/1800WF 14.291 ERRS Emergency Response International Communications Net
0445Z/1845WD 21.205 ANZA net
0500ZMon./1900WSun. 28.485 Aloha 10-10 International Net
0515Z/1915WTh.F.Sat.Sun. 14.183 ANZA net ZL1ANF Maurice (actually starts after the 15m net)
0630Z/2030W 7.088 Hawai'i Late Net
0700Z/2100WD 7.235 HHH Net
0800Z/2200WD 14.315 Pacific Interisland Net

I am always looking for information to include in the SM Report. Please let me know of club activities, events, exercises etc.

            Respectfully submitted,
            73 and Aloha,
            Kevin Bogan,

            AH6QO SM Pacific





Barbara Darling, president of the Big Island Amateur Radio Club, announced that the club is honored to have a fourth generation of amateur radio operators as new members. Three members of the Stueber family from Hilo became members after completing their testing in 2003.

R. Sean Stueber, NH7SA, became a Technical level operator in October 2003 and upgraded to General level in January 2004. You will find Sean working in the Copy Department of Office Max. Sean’s two children passed their Technical level test in November 2003.

Josh M. Stueber, age 15, NH7SW, is a student at Hilo High School. He upgraded to the General level in May 2004. He recently made his first Morse Code contact.

Elisa Stueber, age 12, NH7SX, is a student at E.B. DeSilva Elementary School. She is studying her Morse Code, hoping to pass her General exam on Field Day in June.

Sean’s father, Richard J. Stueber, K5WLO, of Albuquerque, New Mexico now deceased was first licensed in 1959.

Sean’s grandfather, James M. Stueber, W5UOZ, of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been licensed since 1952.

We are now waiting for Sean’s wife Vanessa to become a ham so that this will be a family affair.


The above article has been submitted to the Hawaii Tribune Herald with an explanation and invitation to our Field Day.


For those of you who didn't get the word, the Emergency Commo Class will be held at Harvey's (AH6JA) class room at the Hilo Community Electronic's Class Room starting at 10:00 AM on 12 June. It will take approximately 2 hours so enough time to have lunch before the BIARC meeting which starts at 2 PM. If you have any questions, call me at: 959-8863.

                        de Harry, KH6FKG