BIARC Newsletter
August 2004


>We are very happy to have Nancy Parry NH7RT back at her secretarial position following her recent illness. A special thank you to Lori Miner AH6OS for stepping in and assisting us during Nancy’s absence. We really do appreciate the work that both of you are doing for the club.
Ninety-eight members of the 291st Combat Communications Squadron in Hilo were deployed to the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands, Kauai June 21-25.  Among those ninety-eight was BIARC member Harvey Motomura, AH6JA.  Harvey has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.  Harvey is a full time electronics instructor at Hawaii Community College and serves as the liaison officer for the U.S. Air Force Academy and ROTC for the Big Island.  Harvey is a District Emergency Coordinator for ARRL.  We are very proud to have Harvey as a BIARC member.
Our web site looks better every month, thanks to webmaster, Clifton Leonard, KH6XJ.  The color pictures of Field Day were exceptional.  I believe all of them were taken by Lori Miner, AH6OS.  You can either do a search under BIARC or enter the web address  Our web site is being accessed around the world.  Tonight I received a phone call from a woman in New Zealand who had gotten my phone number off the web site.  Her uncle, Chester Zynel, was a ham operator in Hilo until his death a couple years ago. He had asked that his radio equipment be donated to our club upon his death.  Have also had some hams (from the ANZA Net) from Australia and New Zealand check us out too.
By the time you receive this newsletter, the Volcano Rim Run will be history. Ron Phillips AH6HN did an excellent job of recruiting and organizing the hams who have volunteered to assist with the emergency communications for the marathon and 10 mile run.  In case you’re not aware of it, this marathon is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Running through the desert and over lava is no easy feat.
Our July program, “Another Way of Communicating”, in my opinion was one of our best.  The Pua Kea Halau put on excellent program, and the Hawaiian refreshments were ONO DELICIOUS.  We were sorry that Shirley Golden, NH7OH, was ill and couldn’t perform.  We did find out later that Robert Oliver, NH6AH, plays the ukelale and guitar and that Ron, AJ0T, and Nadine, KA0FBB, Ebert belong to another hula halau. Plans are underway to have another Hawaiian program next year and we will keep these members in mind.
Barbara Darling, President



SATURDAY AUGUST 14th 2:00 p.m. At the Kea’au Community Center located off Old Volcano Road at the end of the street behind the Fire Station.

After a short business meeting we will enjoy listening to Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK, as he tells us about “Dxing on a Shoestring.”
Refreshments and social will follow the meeting and program.

Anyone interested in ham radio is welcome to attend.


August Birthdays

  • Ralph Fontaine 4th
  • Jack Sanders  6th
  • Barbara Magnuson 7th
  • Tuck Kuwada  11th
  • Ted Brattstrom 24th
  • Bill Carlson  28th

    Happy Birthday to all !!