BIARC Newsletter
October 2004

Presidents Message

My husband, Dick (AH7G) and I (NH7FY), would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers recently.  Dick had hernia surgery in August and was scheduled for his second spine surgery but it was delayed because his hernia incision was not completely healed.  As soon as that is healed we will be heading back to Honolulu for his back surgery.  My surgery on September 9th for removal of a parotid gland tumor was successful with no reported “C.”  My biggest problem now is not being able to use the head set for operating the radio due to the pressure on the operation area.

Doris Carlson, KH6ER, has returned from the mainland and is back on the job as QSL manager for incoming cards.  She will be contacting hams concerning their cards.  If they are not picked up, or arrangements made to have them sent, they will only be held for 3 months and then they will be declared undeliverable and destroyed.  Please make sure you check with her to see if you have any cards.  Her phone number is 966-4676.

We’re looking forward to our Swap Meet in Waimea on October 9th.  Kevin Bogan, AH6QO, our ARRL Section Manager will be in attendance.  He was also able to attend our September meeting in Keaau where we had a very interesting program put on by Dr. Christian Veillet, F5IDM.  In November we will be having our annual election meeting on the 13th and a pot luck dinner on Sunday, November 14th at Ralph (AH6RF) and Maureen (KH6MF) Fontaine’s home in Hakalau.  A grand tour of his ham shack will make you drool!!!!  Our annual Christmas Party will be held at the Seaside Restaurant on December 11th.  Please make sure you get your reservations in early as we are limited to 40 guests.  Cut off date for reservations will be December 1st.

Charley, Frances and Ivan have all been devastating hurricanes, and it looks as though the “Hurricane Gods” aren’t finished yet as Jeanne and Karl are in the wings.  The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is taking a breather for a few days getting prepared for tracking the next storms. Amateur Station WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center works hand-in-hand with the HWN to gather real-time ground level weather data and damage reports from Amateur Radio volunteers in a storm’s path for relay to forecasters.

On September 11th astronaut Mike Fincke, KE5AIT, became the first International Space Station crew member to contact all seven of the world’s continents via Amateur Radio.  Fincke worked KC4AAC at Antarctica’s Palmer Research Station for his last contact- a bonus continent not required to earn the International Amateur Radio Union’s Worked All Continents award.  Fincke spoke with ARRL Life Member Chuck Kimball, N0NHJ, of Colorado and a packed radio room during an 8-degree maximum pass over that part of the globe.  Fincke is believed to be only the third astronaut to work the world’s seven continents from space.  In 1992 David Leestma, N5WQC, and Kathryn Sullivan aboard the space shuttle were the most recent to obtain the WAC.

Hope to see many of you at the Swap Meet in October, Elections and Pot Luck Dinner in November, and the Christmas Party in December.  Doesn’t seem possible that the year is flying by!

Barbara Darling NH7FY





The Annual HAWAII ISLAND HAM FEST is Saturday OCTOBER 9, 2004 in KAMUELA, HI at the Waimea Elementary School.  Doors open at 8AM for sellers and trading will begin at 10AM. Admission is free however participants are required to register at the door.  There will be a donation box to help cover expenses.  We suggest sellers donate 10% of their proceeds and buyers donate at least one dollar.  There will be no commercial exhibits.  There will be testing for all classes of Amateur Radio License at about 11AM. Kevin Bogan, the ARRL Pacific Section Manager will speak briefly at 10AM. There is no other program scheduled, just good fun!

We expect to be finished by 2PM. For more information call Bob Schneider, AH6J at 808-966-8146.


October Birthdays

  • NH6GG Coco Pierson 02nd
  • NH7NV Dennis Leiser 11th
  • NH7SA Sean Stueber 13th
  • KH6AT Bryce Carr 14th
  • Pending Martin Gross 16th
  • NH7JT Mike Last 21st
  • KH6HHD Yozo Endo 28th
  • KH6QM Harry Barnes 30th

    Happy Birthday to all !!

    Minutes of the September 11, 2004 Membership Meeting

    The Big Island Amateur Radio Club monthly membership meeting was held in the Kea’au Community Center building on Saturday, September 11, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. President Barbara Darling, NH7FY, welcomed the 30 members and guests that were in attendance. The sign-in sheet listing those in attendance is made a part of these minutes.

    The President called for a minute of silence in remembrance of the 9/11 and our silent keys.

    The membership and guests were asked to introduce themselves.  President Darling, NH7FY, welcomed the speaker, Dr. Christian Veillet, F5IDM, and called on Ron Phillips, AH6HN, to introduce the speaker to the membership. Dr. Veillet is with the Canada France Hawaii Observatory. His program explained the uses and findings of the telescope atop Mauna Kea.

    The President invited all to enjoy a break and the refreshments that were provided by Gloria Whiteley, BIARC’s Hospitality Chairperson.


    Call to Order:  The September 11, 2004 BIARC monthly membership business meeting was called to order at 3:45 p.m.

    Secretary: The Minutes from the last membership meeting held on Saturday, August 14, 2004 were approved as published.

    Treasurer’s Report:  Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reported that BIARC now has 92 paid members. The total Cash on Hand $ 1,269.68.

    Committee Reports:

    Repeater Committee: Ron Phillips, AH6HN, Chairman of the Repeater Committee reported that the repeater at Pepeekeo, the oldest repeater, is noisy and in need of repairs.

    He also stated that the Committee is trying to get responses on the first Tuesday Test out of Mauna Kea between 12:00 Noon and 1:00 p.m. He reported that last month five people checked in. John Buck, KH7T, reported that there is a strong new awareness of the Civil Defense program and ARES recognition may be imminent.

    Swap Meet: Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reminded the membership that the Swap Meet would be held on October 9, 2004 at the same location as last year, in the Waimea Intermediate School Cafeteria. John Buck KH7T, welcomes helpers to set up the HamFest at 8:00 a.m. The actual trading will not begin until 10:00 a.m. This will give the members a chance to view all the items available. Some of the unsold items that were donated to the club will be available, such as radio equipment, antennas, 2-piece Kenwood 440 Transceiver, and a 35-amp power supply.

    Christmas Party: Chairman Dennis Carvalho, KH7H, was not in attendance.  Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reported that the Christmas Party would be held at the Seaside Restaurant on Saturday the 11th of December. He told the membership to read the BIARC newsletter for more information. The entrees to choose from will be Chicken, Prime Rib, Mahi Mahi, or Shrimp Scampi. The sit down dinner will cost approximately $ 30 per person.

     Old Business

    Nominating Committee: Chairperson Mary Brown, K6FK, reported that Ken Cutting, KH7ZJ, would not seek another term as Vice President. Those running for Vice President vacancy in 2005 are Doris Carlson, KH6ER, and Sydney Sellers, NH7OD, who placed his name in Nomination. Four members are running for the office of Director in 2005 are Lloyd Cabral, KH6LC, Ken Cutting, KH7ZJ, Clifton Leonard, KH6XJ and Sean Stueber, NH7SA. MOTION: By Mary Brown, K6FK, That the candidates brought forward for the offices of Directors and Vice President by the Nominating Committee and the Floor be approved. Seconded: Ron Phillips, AH6HN. CARRIED. Elections will take place in November.

    New Business

    BIARC Library: MOTION: By Ron Phillips, AH6HN, That BIARC purchase a General Class License Manual for the memberships use in BIARC’s lending library. Seconded: Sydney Sellers, NH7OD. CARRIED.

    The meeting was adjourned at 4:04 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Nancy Parry, NH7RT.


    SATURDAY - DECEMBER 11th - 6:00 p.m.

    The Seaside Restaurant
    1790 Kalanianaole Avenue, Hilo

    Flyer for signing up are being sent with the mailed newsletters.  The deadline for reservations is December 1st. Members should send a check to BIARC for their dinner.  The facilities can handle 40 people in the main dinning room, therefore, if you wish to attend after the deadline, it will be contingent on space availability. Latecomers may not be eligible for prizes.