KH6QM Harry Barnes 30th
Happy Birthday to all !!
Minutes of the September 11, 2004 Membership Meeting
The Big Island Amateur Radio Club monthly membership
meeting was held in the Kea’au Community Center building on Saturday, September
11, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. President Barbara Darling, NH7FY, welcomed the 30 members
and guests that were in attendance. The sign-in sheet listing those in
attendance is made a part of these minutes.
The President called for a minute of silence in remembrance
of the 9/11 and our silent keys.
The membership and guests were asked to introduce
themselves. President Darling, NH7FY, welcomed the speaker, Dr. Christian
Veillet, F5IDM, and called on Ron Phillips, AH6HN, to introduce the speaker to
the membership. Dr. Veillet is with the Canada France Hawaii Observatory. His
program explained the uses and findings of the telescope atop Mauna Kea.
The President invited all to enjoy a break and the
refreshments that were provided by Gloria Whiteley, BIARC’s Hospitality
Call to Order: The
September 11, 2004 BIARC monthly membership business meeting was called to order
at 3:45 p.m.
The Minutes from the last membership meeting
held on Saturday, August 14, 2004 were approved as published.
Treasurer’s Report: Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reported
that BIARC now has 92 paid members. The total Cash on Hand $ 1,269.68.
Committee Reports:
Repeater Committee: Ron Phillips, AH6HN, Chairman of
the Repeater Committee reported that the repeater at Pepeekeo, the oldest
repeater, is noisy and in need of repairs.
He also stated that the Committee is trying to get
responses on the first Tuesday Test out of Mauna Kea between 12:00 Noon and 1:00
p.m. He reported that last month five people checked in. John Buck, KH7T,
reported that there is a strong new awareness of the Civil Defense program and
ARES recognition may be imminent.
Swap Meet: Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reminded the
membership that the Swap Meet would be held on October 9, 2004 at the same
location as last year, in the Waimea Intermediate School Cafeteria. John Buck
KH7T, welcomes helpers to set up the HamFest at 8:00 a.m. The actual trading
will not begin until 10:00 a.m. This will give the members a chance to view all
the items available. Some of the unsold items that were donated to the club will
be available, such as radio equipment, antennas, 2-piece Kenwood 440
Transceiver, and a 35-amp power supply.
Christmas Party: Chairman Dennis Carvalho, KH7H, was
not in attendance. Ron Phillips, AH6HN, reported that the Christmas
Party would be held at the Seaside Restaurant on Saturday the 11th of
December. He told the membership to read the BIARC newsletter for more
information. The entrees to choose from will be Chicken, Prime Rib, Mahi Mahi,
or Shrimp Scampi. The sit down dinner will cost approximately $ 30 per person.
Old Business
Nominating Committee: Chairperson Mary Brown, K6FK,
reported that Ken Cutting, KH7ZJ, would not seek another term as Vice President.
Those running for Vice President vacancy in 2005 are Doris Carlson, KH6ER, and
Sydney Sellers, NH7OD, who placed his name in Nomination. Four members are
running for the office of Director in 2005 are Lloyd Cabral, KH6LC, Ken Cutting,
KH7ZJ, Clifton Leonard, KH6XJ and Sean Stueber, NH7SA. MOTION: By Mary Brown,
K6FK, That the candidates brought forward for the offices of Directors
and Vice President by the Nominating Committee and the Floor be approved.
Seconded: Ron Phillips, AH6HN. CARRIED. Elections will take place in
New Business
BIARC Library: MOTION: By Ron Phillips, AH6HN,
That BIARC purchase a General Class License Manual for the memberships use in
BIARC’s lending library. Seconded: Sydney Sellers, NH7OD. CARRIED.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Parry, NH7RT.
SATURDAY - DECEMBER 11th - 6:00 p.m.
The Seaside Restaurant
1790 Kalanianaole Avenue, Hilo
Flyer for signing up are being sent with the mailed
newsletters. The deadline for reservations is December 1st. Members should send
a check to BIARC for their dinner. The facilities can handle 40 people in the
main dinning room, therefore, if you wish to attend after the deadline, it will
be contingent on space availability. Latecomers may not be eligible for