BIARC Newsletter December 2004
Our newsletter for December was compiled in early November as our editor Lori
Miner, AH6OS, will be on the mainland for a month returning in early December.
Since our election was held on November 13th we will publish the results in our
January issue.
The October issue of WorldRadio magazine featured a four page article by Ted
Brattstrom, NH6YK, about his trip to the Falkland Islands and Easter Island.
The cover page featured Ted with his friends “the penguins.” Penguins come
first, ham radio second in Ted’s travels. WorldRadio has been kind enough to
give us permission to reprint the article in our newsletter. We are looking
forward to having Ted do another program for us in 2005 - possibly about Midway
The last weekend of October was the CQ WW DX Contest. Quite a few of our
members were involved- some more than others. Ralph Fontaine, AH6RF, made over
3,000 contacts on 10 meters, working 37 of the 40 zones. Way to go Ralph. This
is one of the first contests that I have gotten involved in and I had great
fun. I managed to make over 600 contacts on 15 meters, working 28 zones. The
highlight of the contest for me came on Saturday morning when I heard my son’s
call sign (K1TTT) from Massachusetts. Got to talk to him for a couple minutes.
Doris Carlson, KH6ER, has been our Incoming QSL Manager for many years- in fact
she can’t remember how many. She has decided that it is time to give up this
job. We would like to thank her for her many years of service in this position.
If there is someone out there interested in taking over this interesting job,
please let me know.
We are looking forward to our Christmas party at the Seaside Restaurant on
December 11th. We would like to thank Dennis Carvalho, KH7H, for being the
Christmas Party Chairman for this year. We will have the installation of
officers and directors that evening.
It doesn’t seem possible that
2004 is coming to a close. I would like to thank all of you for your support
during the year. As I am writing this our membership has reached the 100 mark
and I’m hoping that 2005 will be as successful. We are enclosing an application
for 2005 so that we can get an early start. My husband Dick, AH7G, and I would
like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a most Joyous Holiday Season
and a Healthy Happy New Year.
Barbara Darling, NH7FY
6:00 p.m.
Seaside Restaurant, 1790 Kalanianaole, Hilo. Reservations and money was to be received by our
treasurer by December 1st.
December Birthdays
- KH6DJF Wally Oki 5th
- WA6AG Sue Nishiyama 15th
- KH6FI Fred Benardella 25th
- NH6HT Ed Breen 29th
Happy Birthday to all !!
I wish to sincerely thank President Barbara and all of the
members of BIARC for the cards and gifts for my birthday. I will remember you
Harry, KH6QM
Some of
you may remember a talk I gave a while back concerning observing the planet
Jupiter's radio emissions. As Jupiter advances further from the Sun this winter
and spring, it will again be in good position for these observations. Jupiter
may be heard from about 14 to 32 Mhz using the appropriate antenna with a
receiver that allows you to turn off it's AGC. A 15m beam makes an excellent
Jupiter antenna. You may be able to hear Jupiter on a dipole, but you will
probably miss some of the weaker bursts.
As I explained in the talk, we can predict when Jupiter will most likely be
actively emitting HF signals. Predictions are available on the web and I have
written software which will customize predictions for your location. If anyone
who is a BIARC member wants to use this software, I will wave the $20 purchase
price for you. Just drop me an e-mail or give me a phone call.
You can download the software from my website. I also have software which will
allow you to record strip chart representations of your observations on your
computer and share these in real time with others around the world via the
Please visit my website for more information and feel free to call or e-mail me
if you are interested in joining in on this ultimate DX adventure.
Aloha and 73s,
Jim Sky KH6SKY
Jim Sky, Radio-Sky Publishing
Radio Astronomy Resources:
Kona Coffee for Astronomers