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To: Skywarn volunteers, BigIslandRADIO, KHRC, DEM RACES, State RACES, leaders and others

Skywarn will participate in the ARRL-sponsored Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on 10/5/19 from 0900-1200 HST from the National Weather Service (NWS) office located on the University of Hawaii - Manoa campus.

  • The link below will take you to the Skywarn participation plan.
  • Please note: As in a real emergency, conditions and parameters may change. Please be aware of the embedded time stamp in the file name and use the latest version.
  • Simplex will be used for this SET. VHF/UHF and HF.
  • Establish relays and paths to NWS (UH-M).
  • Practice the format before the SET in order to have the message transmission as short and accurate as possible. Focus on EEI. Relays succeed if short and concise. The proper format helps.
  • Damage reports will be used for forecasting and warning. In a real-world situation, real-time or near real-time metrics (actually measured values) and impacts aid the NWS. Stale data helps less.
  • Damage reports need to be sent to your local/county authorities (EMA, PD, FD, etc.) The passing of messages to Skywarn/NWS does not constitute passing to the responding authorities.
  • A real disaster would not sweep through all of the islands all at the same time. The Skywarn plan mimics the sequential damaging of the islands by asking for reports from specified areas to begin at a certain time and continue until the closing segment of the SET. Skywarn will welcome your reports at your specified time and you continue until the closing segment.
  • Capacity building: Skywarn is working on building its capacity to receive reports. Recent improvements in the HF antenna have helped. We will work with others to increase capacity given the time, energy, finances and infrastructure that we have and that are available. We thank the operators who have given of their own time and money to improve Skywarn.

If you have any questions, please email.

Please pass this email on to other interested parties. If you do so, please send them any appropriate updates, too. Good luck and thank you for participating!

Click link for Skywarn SET Information

Kevin, AH6QO Website: http://www.protopage.com/ah6qodashboard

BIARC is a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt entity, supported by our members and volunteers. Please consider making a donation.

Note: BIARC donations are not tax deductable.
Except where noted, all original content Copyright © BIARC.net and Big Island Amateur Radio Club 2005 - 2024.
All rights reserved.

Big Island Amateur Radio Club. P. O. Box 1938, Hilo, HI 96721-1938.